the new section since 2019


We design and build electric motors and generators according to customer specifications. We revamp and repair rotating electrical machines and perform on-site predictive maintenance.

professional analyses

Electrical diagnostics

Using our experience and state-of-the-art instrumentation, we can promptly intervene on installations in the event of faults, quickly identify faults and, if necessary, repair the machine, minimising plant downtime. The interventions are accompanied by photographic reports documenting analyses and results obtained from the measurements taken. The customer can thus use every single intervention to create an archive of the machine status.


alignments and balancing

Mechanical diagnostics

We are able to assess and analyse vibrations on electric motors/generators and their coupled machines.

rotating electrical machines

Design and construction

Our engineers have developed dedicated software for electromagnetic, mechanical and thermal dimensioning of rotating electrical machines.


regular and effective assistance

Maintenance, testing and repair

Predictive maintenance of rotating machinery ensures the proper functioning of all components and is essential to ensure top performance as regards the efficiency of power generation and industrial plants.

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Change how the world works with Biotellus, made for ecology enthusiasts.

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